The Advisory Board consists of dedicated alumni both in Arizona and around the country who are keenly interested in furtherance of the chapter’s growth and goals. They are available at all times for counsel and mentoring of chapter officers and all members as needed.
Any alumnus interested in serving, please email the board for consideration.
Robert Newton ‘78 (Omicron Chapter)
Charlie Johnston
Scott Johnston ‘75 (Beta Sigma Chapter)
Grand Province Advisor:
James “Ziggy” Benware '90 (Sigma Xi Chapter)
Board Member:
Michael Sacks ‘09
Board Member:
Gregory Ochser ‘17
Board Member:
Stan Haley '21
Board Member:
Tom Tuchschmidt '83 (Xi Chapter)
Board Member:
Trey Wanamaker ’03 (Upsilon Delta)
Database/Webmaster/Social Media
Matt Noble, Fraternity Management Group